Data and storage protection

Disk systems

The volume of data stored is growing at a dizzying pace, placing increasing demands on data storage. All disk systems we offer can adapt to such requirements.

We will design for you the optimum data storage that will be efficient from the point of view of storage, high availability, scalability and will provide support for fast data recovery, thin provisioning, replication, creation of test or backup clones and snapshots and other advanced functions, all for a price not exceeding the normal average of its class.

Our specialists have a wealth of experience from hundreds of completed projects. In large companies, they have deployed disk systems optimised for fast data access in transaction processing or high – throughput disk storage for sequential data access in the case of high sustained data streams for backing up or storing multimedia data. In smaller companies, they have usually applied universal disk systems, which do not overwhelm because of their peak performance, but provide adequately powerful and ultimately reliable universal storage of all company data at a favourable cost.

Many of these projects used NAS technologies integrated directly into the disk system controller, which provided both SAN and NAS services, the so – called Unified Storage. In this area and in the NAS in general, our specialists are among the most experienced in the entire Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Our company offers professional services for the entire life cycle of the disk system from the initial design, delivery and professional installation of equipment, through its configuration and integration into the customer’s environment all the way to training and documentation of the entire solution. Of course, there is also the possibility of above – standard service support for the delivered equipment, their proactive monitoring or consultations for any changes related to the delivered solution.


Do you want to protect your data? Contact us:

Office Praha
Jeremiášova 947/16
155 00 Praha 5 – Stodůlky

Office Ostrava
Nerudova 653/40
703 00 Ostrava – Vítkovice

ISO 20000ISO 27001