
High availability

As the requirements for the continuous operation of IT infrastructure penetrate more and more into the domain of medium and small businesses, technologies enabling high availability are also developing and, at the same time, the costs of acquiring such infrastructure are decreasing. Especially if you consider virtualising the server environment or already doing it, a high availability solution should definitely be a component of it, as a failure of this infrastructure usually leads to the simultaneous unavailability of a majority of information systems and without HA return to normal operation even after a short interruption of several seconds can take tens of minutes.

Ensuring data availability and protection is one of the critical factors in designing any HA solution. In this area, we have extensive experience with the implementation of both server and storage clusters as well as with the deployment of an always – up solution for 2 locations, the so – called MetroCluster. Depending on the requirement for a tolerated period of unavailability, various technically and financially demanding solutions can be chosen. In the design process, we comprehensively assess all layers of infrastructure and their dependencies. We will provide training to your employees responsible for the administration and operation of the HA environment. We are also able to offer service and support with varying response levels according to your requirements. Our services may also include remote monitoring with a proactive solution to emerging problems.


Do you want to have a functional infrastructure? Contact us:

Office Praha
Jeremiášova 947/16
155 00 Praha 5 – Stodůlky

Office Ostrava
Nerudova 653/40
703 00 Ostrava – Vítkovice

ISO 20000ISO 27001