Cyber security
In the Czech Republic, there is currently a large increase in attacks on mobile devices using various types of malicious code. At the same time, it was found that a large portion of mobile devices do not have any antivirus protection installed.
Unwanted ads are the most common problem, but a greater danger is posed by those programs that control the device, including text messages, and gain access to the user’s bank accounts, company data or order unwanted payment services. Mobile devices can also be used as an entry point for large – scale ransomware attacks on entire organisations. Our specialists are able to select and configure the most suitable solution that protects both users’ private data and company data.
Office Praha
Řeporyjská 490/17
158 00 Praha 5 – Jinonice
Office Ostrava
Nerudova 653/40
703 00 Ostrava – VÃtkovice